
Do you want to lick my shoes?

Skin: ** [PUMEC]  - .:LARA:. - SKIN - Summer ** NEW!!!
Hair: *Soonsiki~ Keiko hair NEW!!!
Horns: [geek.] Warcry Headpiece Pink Common for Fantasy Gacha Carnival
Toy: [geek.] H2o Buddy - Common Candy for Fantasy Gacha Carnival
Necklace: *HolliPocket* Pearlie Girlies Jizz Pearl Necklace
Tattoo: #adored - wild cherry tattoo {lolas} for The Big Show
Bodysuit: .PANIK. - Amazing Body White for The Big Show
Shoes: _CandyDoll_ IceCream for The Chapter Four
Poses: //elephante poses// Fever NEW!!!

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